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Hitchcock & Hopper USA

Hitchcock & Hopper


Writed by Daniel Raim; Country USA; 17:54 they're referring to the Kuleshov effect here. He mentions Pudovkin and I wasn't aware of this man and his participation. Wonder what this is on his bottom lip ? I never noticed it before. I'm sure if it was removable it would have been taken care of first commercial break.


Going off for 'commercial breaks' every few minutes. How the bloody hell can anyone watch a TV programme in the U.S. 幸から1本とったら辛になるのは何故か? 逆に考えてみろ どんなに辛い事も1本足すだけで幸せに変わるんだその1本を見つけるのも大変だが1本だけだ. 簡単なことじゃないか どうしてもその1本が見つからない時は蓋をしてしまえばいい. 辛いことから逃げて蓋をして幸せになる事だってある 逃げる事は悪いことじゃない.


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